Environment and General Purposes Committee

The Environment & General Purposes Committee consists of eight members of the Council.

Committee Membership:  Chair: Cllr Nick Chapman, Deputy Chair: Cllr Alison Rees, Cllr Leila Wilson, Cllr Anne-Marie Cooke, Cllr Duncan Pascoe, Cllr Stephanie Inglesfield, Cllr Deanna Nicholson, Cllr Sandy Ellis.

The Committee meets six times a year and considers items including the following:


  • Allotments
  • Western Road Cemetery
  • Muster Green
  • To provide, maintain, replace flowerbeds, barrier troughs and hanging baskets
  • Footpath lighting under the Council's ownership
  • Street Furniture such as litter bins, public seats, bus shelters, notice boards and salt bins
  • Town Council events such as Spring Festival, South & South East In Bloom and Town Day
  • To promote nature conservation
  • To promote community development
  • To promote economic development
  • To maintain, promote, sponsorship of roundabout under licenses from West Sussex County Council


26 Feb 24

19:30 to 21:00



22 Apr 24

19:30 to 21:00



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1 Jul 24

19:00 to 21:00



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