The Town Council has responsibility for a wide range of street furniture as follows:
- Street lighting - West Sussex County Council is responsible for the majority of street lighting in Haywards Heath. However, the Town Council is responsible for some street lights, mainly in footpaths, twittens and unadopted areas. Street lights that are not working correctly and have the Haywards Heath Town Council label may be reported by contacting the Town Hall, quoting the location and street light number. Please see our street light location list. Any lights not on the list need to be reported directly to West Sussex County Council.
- Providing salt bins - salt bin location list
- Bus shelters throughout the town
- War memorial at Muster Green
- Public seats adjacent to the highway. Mid Sussex District Council provides seats in parks and recreation grounds
- Provision and maintenance of litter bins adjacent to the highway only. Mid Sussex District Council, the street sweeping and refuse authority, is responsible for emptying of all litter bins