Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan cover

Haywards Heath Town Council is delighted to introduce its Neighbourhood Plan 2014 - 2031.

 After four years in development Haywards Heath Town Council's Neighbourhood Plan (which include the whole Town and part of the Ansty and Staplefield Parish along Rocky Lane) was put forward for examination, to test whether it was in accordance with the strategic policies of Mid Sussex District Council's strategic planning documents and the National Planning Policy Framework, on the 21st July 2016. It was determined by the External Examiner ‘that the Neighbourhood Plan reflects the views of the community and sets out a clear vision and suite of policies and proposals for the Neighbourhood Area’. Following recommendations from the External Examiner, the Plan moved forward to referendum on the 1st December 2016 where is was overwhelming supported by those who voted with 90.1 % of those who voted saying YES. To this end, the Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' by Mid Sussex District Council as the Planning Authority at it's meeting of Full Council dated 14th December 2016. Subsequently, there was a six-week legal challenge, which has passed and now means that Neighbourhood Plan is now part if the Planning Framework with planning decisions being made in accordance with the document.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

In April 2012 local communities were given legal powers under the Localism Act 2011 to develop Neighbourhood Plans. Neighbourhood Planning is the government’s initiative of trying to empower local communities to help make and take forward planning proposals at a local level. The idea being that local people will drive and then help to shape how their local communities grow and develop over the next coming years. The Neighbourhood Plan was completely funded by a £20,000 grant for the Department for Communities and Local Government.

In response to this opportunity to develop locally driven planning priorities, Haywards Heath Town Council established a Planning Working Group to work towards developing a Neighbourhood Plan, which once adopted; will be used to make planning decisions and will cover the period up to 2031. 

What is in the Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan?

 The Plan is a plan for the town as a whole and part of Ansty. It provides a vision for the future of the town and sets out clear planning policies to realise this vision. These policies accord with higher level planning policy, as required by the Localism Act. It looks at a wide range of issues, including:

  • Providing for a new Country Park, new Allotments, a new Cemetery, and a new School to be located off Hurstwood Lane.
  • Protecting Clair Hall, the Dolphin Leisure Centre.
  • Protecting Clair Park, Beech Hurst, Victoria Park, Muster Green, the Harlands School Playing fields and other established green areas within the Town.
  • Allowing for the improvement of and enhancements to all aspects of the Town Centre.
  • Allowing for the Bluebell Railway to arrive in Haywards Heath.
  • Allowing for increased provision and facilities at St Francis Sports site.
  • Providing housing for an ever growing population.
  • It also holds policies on the Environment, Sustainable Travel, Transport and Business.

How has Haywards Heath’s Neighbourhood Plan been progressed?

Haywards Heath Town Council is in the final stages of drafting a Neighbourhood Plan for the town using a strong evidence based approach.

Following consideration of comments made by the community and having regard to the Town Council’s Forward Plan 2011-14 (adopted January 2011), the Town Council has produced the following draft vision:

“A healthy, family focused and safe town, with a strong community spirit embracing both young and older people, supporting a vibrant economy, having excellent public services and high quality public spaces with the countryside on its doorstep.”

Arising from the vision, the Town Council has established a number of draft aims for the Plan as follows:

  • That the Plan should set out long term planning policies for the town
  • That the policies should maintain the rural setting of the town
  • That the Leisure and Community Facilities should be retained/improved
  • That the Plan should support a vibrant economy
  • That the Plan should improve infrastructure in the town

Haywards Heath Boundary Map

What next?

The Town Council is in the final stages of drafting the Neighbourhood Plan, which will be published for public consultation in due course. The consultation will be a six week statutory consultation period, and will be publicised on this website, the Town Council notice boards, at the Town Hall and in the press. If you would like to be notified of the consultation period, please register your email or home address with us by contacting the Town Hall.

Haywards Heath Draft Neighbourhood Plan "Our Bright Future" 

To feedback on the documents below please complete and return the following form to the Town Hall or email ourbrightfuture@haywardsheath.gov.uk

Haywards Heath Draft Neighbourhood Plan Feedback Form Word
Haywards Heath Draft Neighbourdood Plan Feedback Form PDF

Referendum Version to Proceed to Referendum 1st December 2016

Neighbourhood Plan Draft 1 including - Figures 1 - 6 (Maps)
Please note that the supporting documentation below has not changed.

A Report to Mid Sussex District Council of the Examination into the Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan by Independent Examiner, Peter Biggers BSc Hons MRTPI

Section 16 Consultation Documents - Mid Sussex District Council Consultation
Neighbourhood Plan Draft 2 - superceded as on the referendum version. The following documents have not changed and support the Referendum Plan.
Sustainability Assessment
Sustainability Scoring Sheets
Non Technical Summary
Basic Conditions Statement
Consultation Statement
Independent inspector Healthcheck Advice - Housing Policies April 2015 and Full Healthcheck October 2015
Section 14 - Consultation Documents - Responses to Consultation and Town Council Responses
Please find below the documents that make up the Draft Haywards Heath Neighbourhood Plan.

Neighbourhood Plan Draft 3
Appendices 1 - 5
Sustainability Assessment Oct 2015
Non Technical Summary Oct 2015
Evidence Base