Environment Policies
Environment Policies and Environment Framework documents have now moved to our designated Environment Page.
Haywards Heath Town Council - A plan for the future - July 2023
The Town Council, by review, has developed it's corporate priorities, which are presented through the visionary green paper entitled 'Haywards Heath Town Council - A plan for the future - July 2023.
This document was considered by the Town Council at a meeting of the Full Council on 24th July 2023 and became formal Town Council policy, to support the Council's Neighbourhood Plan, and becomes the Council's guiding document for Town Council policies and project development. To view this document, please click here.
These priorities will be delivered in partnership with principal authorities and will ultimately make Haywards Heath even more economically viable for future generations, which will make our community more vibrant and the Town an even more sustainable place to live, work and play. In addition to the Town Council’s pledge to work with its principal authorities it will also welcome input from volunteer clubs and organisations, the business community and, of course, the valuable and much needed input of our ever-expanding community.