Western Road Cemetery Perimeter Nature Walk
On the north side of the tranquil Western Road Cemetery, which is owned by the Town Council, is a fenced off footpath, referred to under the Leisure heading as a Nature Walk. This walk is a favourite venue for local dog walkers and was fenced off from the burial area to stop the dogs running across the graves.
Although most of the cemetery is botanically interesting and is designated as a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (SNCI), this footpath is particularly worth a visit, as a board walk has been installed along the more muddy sections and two illustrated information boards have been erected by the Town Council. The site as a whole has plants not otherwise found in urban Haywards Heath because this marshy area is a remnant of a habitat that is now scarce in Sussex.
A balance is required in the management of this habitat in order to safeguard the dignity of the cemetery while maintaining the habitat for the special plants. The Greater Tussock Sedge is a particular feature to look for. It is uncommon in West Sussex as a result of habitat destruction (but may also be seen at Amberley Wild Brooks, owned by the Sussex Wildlife Trust). Also look out for the Ivy Leafed Bellflower with its tiny blue flowers in July - August.