Policy and Finance Committee

The Policy & Finance Committee consists of eight members of the Council ensuring that each ward has representation.

Committee Membership: Chair: Cllr Anne-Marie Cooke, Deputy Chair: Cllr Sinead Walsh, Cllr Paul Lucraft, Cllr Anne-Marie Lucraft, Cllr Abdul Bashar, Cllr Alison Rees, Cllr Rachel Cromie, Cllr Allan Murray.

The Committee meets six times a year and to co-ordinate and undertake detailed consideration of all financial matters affecting the Council and making the necessary recommendations to the Council. These include:

Financial and Policy making matters
Monitoring of capital and revenue budgets and list of payments
Dealing with terms and conditions of service of Town Council Officers and Staff
Grants, donations and subsidies
Preparation of the draft budget and recommendation of the precept to Council

Ensuring that all financial regulations and systems are adhered to
Liaison with external bodies such as local business associations
To make recommendations to Council on the acquisition and disposal of land
To consider any proposals relating to the devolution of assets or services from Mid Sussex District Council or West Sussex County Council.