Council Meetings

Local Government services in Haywards Heath are shared between three authorities, West Sussex County Council, Mid Sussex District Council and Haywards Heath Town Council. Each authority has a different elected body, though some Councillors serve on more than one Council. The District has 10 Councillors who look after Haywards Heath, the County has three and the Town has 16.

The Town Council has approximately 40 meetings throughout the year, usually held on Monday evenings. At present there are three Committees, Environment & General Purposes, Planning and Policy & Finance, as well as the Meeting of the Full Council. All meetings are open to the public and press and take place at 7.00pm. Residents are encouraged to attend meetings and may, if they register by Midday on the day of the meeting, speak for three minutes on any subject on the Agenda prior to the start of the meeting.

​Copies of the Agenda for each meeting are published on the website and on the Town Council's notice board (outside the Town Hall) prior to each meeting and the Minutes of each meeting are published on the website as soon as these are available. These are found in the individual section of each committee on this site. You will also find a copy of the Calendar of Council Meetings for the year within the News and Events Section of the website.

Click here to view the Calendar of Council Meetings for 2024/2025.


Full Council

The Full Council meets six times a year and is made up of all elected members.

Planning Committee

Haywards Heath Town Council is not a Planning Authority, but under the Local Government Act 1972 is able to make observations to the Planning Authority, Mid Sussex District Council, upon applications within the Town. In line with this power the Town Council commits to ensure that the Town’s voice is heard on every application made in Haywards Heath by holding a meeting of its Planning Committee every three weeks to comment on applications sent through by the District Council.

Policy and Finance Committee

The Policy & Finance committee co-ordinate and undertake detailed consideration of all financial matter affecting the Council and making the necessary recommendations to council.

Environment and General Purposes Committee

The Environment & General Purposes committee is responsible for various areas of work including allotments, cemetery, street furniture and town events.

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town meeting is the meeting of the Town Parish electors. It is not a Council meeting, however the Town Mayor (Chairman) will call the meeting (on behalf of the residents) and may preside if he or she is present. The Council will update the public on its work at the meeting which must be held between 1st March and 1st June each year.